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Revision 82008-07-12 - RobertRoss

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I5-[DiaSpace] Computational Resources

CCG Grammars

The DiaSpace project is developing two simple grammars which allow the production and analysis of spatially rich German and English utterances. The grammars are based Steeedman's Combinatorial Categorial Grammar (CCG), and have been specifically designed around the openccg.sourceforge.net tool. The semantics produced by the grammar are based on the spatial component of the Generalized Upper Model.
The DiaSpace project is developing two simple grammars which allow the production and analysis of spatially rich German and English utterances. The grammars are based Steeedman's Combinatorial Categorial Grammar (CCG), and have been specifically designed around the OpenCCG tool. The semantics produced by the grammar are based on the spatial component of the Generalized Upper Model.
  The grammars are under constant development and include testbed files which demonstrate the range of language coverage.
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 The DiaSpace Project is also working with Functional Grammars which provide fine grained control for language production. See the KPML Access Page for more information.
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1204722316" name="english.zip" path="english.zip" size="48385" user="Main.DiaSpace" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="english.zip" attr="h" comment="Latest version of the DiaSpace grammars for English" date="1215872945" name="english.zip" path="diaspace-english.zip" size="94839" stream="diaspace-english.zip" user="Main.RobertRoss" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1203070213" name="german.zip" path="german.zip" size="43264" user="Main.DiaSpace" version="1"
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