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I5-[DiaSpace]: Flexible Dialogue Control for Intuitive Spatial Communication


I5-[DiaSpace]: Flexible Dialogue Control for Intuitive Spatial Communication


Project Summary


Project Summary

  Natural and effective spatial communication requires the dynamic negotiation of spatial reference frames, spatial perspectives and discourse strategies. Speakers manage such negotiation by the fine-scale selection and alignment of linguistic forms sensitive to dialogue history, user-group defined norms and spatial context. Necessary negotiation mechanisms will be empirically derived, implemented within a dialogue system for natural interaction between users and artificial agents engaged in spatially-embedded tasks, and deployed in SFB/TR 8 projects for improved functionality and evaluation.

Subject Areas


Subject Areas

  • Dialogue
  • Interaction
  • Computational Dialogue Systems
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  • Spatial Reference Frames
  • Perspective-taking




  I5-[DiaSpace] combines parts of the work done in 2003-2006 in the two projects I1-[OntoSpace] and I3-[SharC]. Both projects still continue their work within the SFB/TR8. I1-[OntoSpace] is primarily dedicated to spatial and linguistic ontologies substantiated by results of language production experiments (which are now continued in I5-[DiaSpace]). I3-[SharC] focuses on shared interaction between humans and robots, which has resulted in the development of a dialogue system. The system is now being put to practical use and testing within I5-[DiaSpace].
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